Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Stuff You See At Wal-Mart...

I am an avid Wal-Mart shopper. I wish I could say I had more conviction about saving the 6 year-old boy in Taiwan that sewed the soles onto my shoes from a world of poverty, but I myself am hovering somewhere around the poverty line. I need to save every penny that I have. May I rot in hell.

But sometimes I think I like shopping at Wal-Mart just to see some of the gems that come crawling out from under their rocks to buy a few more cases of ammo and a new Fry-Daddy with dual baskets. I have seen some real winners.

I've seen a man about the size of the state of Texas lose control of his bowels while trying to get out of a power scooter and into the bathroom. I have seen sweatpants of all sizes and colors being worn by people that should not be wearing sweatpants. But the one that takes the cake is the woman that I saw tonight.

I was grabbing some more wipes for Nutt and I was leaving the children's section when this winner, her two kids and her husband came sidling up (the only thing missing to complete this picture was a Blue Tick Coon Hound and a double-barrel shotgun). I could hear them before I saw them. The youngest kid was screaming and the parents were having an argument about Halloween costumes at decibel levels that exceeded the screaming toddler's.

So as I'm heading out of the section and toward the checkout, Mother of the Year suddenly stops arguing with Daddy Dumbass and yells at the screaming toddler, "Shut the f*ck up before I lay you out!" My head snapped around, the other (normal) couple in the kid's section looked and it even got the attention of the oblivious Wal-Mart employee that was stocking shelves at the time. Shut the f*ck up? To a kid that couldn't be anymore than 3 years old? I don't even think I knew what that word meant when I was three (even though my nephew did and could use it properly in a sentence).

I actually found myself too dumbfounded to even say anything to this asshole. I just gaped open-mouthed as the little boy told her that he hated her and the other little boy just stared off into space like he had been through this all before. How friggin sad is that? And when they grow up she'll wonder why they have no respect for her and have been arrested numerous times for beating their significant others.

It made me thankful that my parents loved me enough to not verbally abuse me. Oh, we got our asses smacked if we got out of line (one time in particular that I remember very clearly was at a wedding. My dad had finally had enough after one of us bit the other in the middle of the ceremony) but it was used in extreme measures as discipline, not everyday communication. Same went with Evel. I used a swat to the backside to get his attention, but never to cause him pain so he would listen the next time. I left that up to the nuns at church.

In hindsight on this whole situation, I wish I would have said something. I didn't because I had a left my baby at home with Big Daddy and with no wipes and I knew that if I opened my mouth, this would have lasted a while. It would have gone until I made the woman look like the uneducated, baby beater that she was or until she punched me and we were both escorted out in handcuffs. I just keep thinking about how awful those poor kids must have it. The two people in the world that are supposed to love you and be your safety net treat you like dirt. I hate the thought of it.

Ugh. Some people should be spayed or neutered before they have a chance to breed.

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