Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Letter's in the Mail (with UPDATE)

We officially have a lawyer. And he told us that BFBF is an idiot for even attempting this stunt with trying to move Tink out of the district without Big Daddy's approval. He also asked if she knew what "50/50 joint legal custody" meant (or if she cared). She's so fucking unreasonable, either one could be true.

So the lawyer instructed us to send her a letter or an e-mail stating that Big Daddy is contesting the move. We then have to file an emergency petition with the court to stop the move. We'll then have a court date where the judge will decide a final outcome (and hopefully tell BFBF to go suck an egg). All of this should be taking place before the date that BFBF plans to move.

I am a huge believer in karma (just call me Earl) and I am really hoping the judge throws the book at her for trying to pull a sneaky stunt like this. I've been running this through my head over and over and she really has no reason to move, other than she wants to be closer to her family. Tink will still be going to daycare so it's not like she's depending on her family to help her out with that (plus she would lose that extra child support if she's not using it to pay for daycare). I really think that the only reason is to get Tink away from the family that she has here, especially now that she has a little brother that she loves. The noose was getting a little too tight for comfort...

So we're going to do everything in our power to stop this from happening. BFBF has gone from unreasonable to out of control on her little power trip. We're not going to stop until she gets the loud and clear message that Tink has two parents (and a step-mom) that love her very much. It was a judge's decision that ordered her to spend more time with her mom, not Big Daddy's. I'm sure after all of this shit is dealt with, that will also be rectified.

Big Daddy sent an email to BFBF and then filed all of the appropriate paperwork with the court in the county where we all currently reside (so we won't have the same idiot judge from the previous county of residence). $195 and a judges review later, we have been granted us a court date on 10/18 (and BFBF was planning on moving on October 9). The best part is that the judge's order to appear in court states that Tink "will not be removed from the Selinsgrove Area School District pending a custody hearing." We are to take that letter to the school and let them know that BFBF is not allowed to take Tink anywhere until I judge says she can. So that's a small step in the right direction. BFBF can't just yank Tink out of school and take her away without running it by Daddy first.

I'm not sure exactly what will go on at the hearing, though. We don't know if the judge will update the custody order to our current county or if he'll just say Tink has to continue going to this school until a later date (like over the summer) until we can really hash things out in court. That's why I'm not really a fan of these things. You never know which way it could go. But I will keep everyone posted and I'll definitely be blogging about the hearing. Wish us luck!

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