This poor little baby. He has been poked and prodded and put through so much already. I hate it.
Now we are having problems with "extreme constipation." This poor little kid screams bloody murder because he can't poop. I probably would, too. We've had him to the doctors twice for it already and now we have to take him on Tuesday to have a biopsy done on his colon to make sure all of the nerves properly formed since his doctors (yes, he has a fucking team of doctors that consult about him because of his Moebius Syndrome) aren't sure if any of his other nerves are improperly formed.
I personally thought that it was just the soy formula that we have him on (that the doctors suggested because he was spitting up all the time) and we should switch him to something easier for him to digest. Now these people have this seed planted in my head that something else could be wrong. Why do I have to love my kids so much? What is that expression? God would never give me more than I can handle, I just wish he didn't trust me with quite so much. Exactly.
So it looks like another trip to the hospital on Tuesday to find out why the food is going in but not coming out. I'll keep you posted.
This biopsy was the most horrible thing that I have ever had to do in my life and if I ever find out exactly which doctors was the sadist that suggested it, I will personally punch him or her in the throat.
The doctor (who I suspect might have some form of undiagnosed, partial Moebius Syndrome because when he spoke, he didn't move the one side of his mouth and the eye on that side didn't move when he smiled) explained what he was going to have to do to get the tissue samples, which basically consisted of using something like a hole punch in my son's colon. But it shouldn't hurt too much.
I waited outside while Big Daddy stayed with the little guy because I am convinced that my children's pain receptors are directly hardwired into my tear ducts. When they cry, I cry. A lot. I thought shots were bad but they were NOTHING compared to the shrieking that I heard come out of my child during this procedure. I had to walk up the hall and cover my ears to get away from it. A nurse actually came up to me and gave me a hug to calm me down. I was beyond upset, I was fucking hysterical.
After the doc was done, it took us a half hour to get Nutt calmed down. I bawled the whole time. Thank god Big Daddy was with me because I don't think I could have driven home...I was still THAT upset by the time we got into the car. But we'll know something in a few days as to what's up with the nerves and we'll see where to go from there.
We heard back from the doc that did Nutt's biopsy. Everything is a-okay, at least as far as his nerves being developed. He's still not pooping without help so I'm not sure where this actually got us. But the advice from the doc..."Have you tried changing his formula? Maybe to something like Allimentum so he can digest it easier?" Well, looks like a doctor suggested it so I will be getting some from the store later on and changing it ASAP. I can't take this fussy, miserable little monster much longer! Wish us luck.
Before you let your doctor suggest a colon biopsy for your constipated child, switch his formula. It's been about a week since we put Nutt on Similac Allimentum and he's going like a champ! I do understand the "better safe than sorry" approach that these doctors are using with Nutt's diagnosis, but please, let us try the easy way out before you have another doctor go after my kid's colon with a hole punch. K? Thanks.
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