This is a repost from September 17, 2007 (obviously it's old because I was still using Myspace and drinking obnoxious amounts of Red Bull). My, my, how our views change over the years (I still love beer, though).
Hehe, here they are in no particular order. The little (tangible) things in life that really make it worth living. Mmmmm, sweet gluttony.
1. Beer. Mmmm, my sweet, sweet liquid gold. Yes, beer you make my belly tingle with just a thought of the way you trickle down my throat.
2. The O.C. Yes, one of my biggest pleasures. I love it so much but it is sooo bad for me. It's like a Big Mac with fries extra value meal, super sized, with a chocolate milk shake and a hot fudge sundae on the side. Oh, yes I am addicted to Ryan, Marissa, Seth and Summer. Sweet indulgence.
3. Red Bull. The Devil's Water (as some drunk guy at ABC West told me). The enchanting taste of sweet tarts that kicks my metabolism into overdrive every morning. When mixed with Jager, it doubles my pleasure (and usually my hangover).
4. Sunglasses. The bigger the better. I love the way you hide my eyes (and most of the rest of my face) on mornings after I've had too much to drink. You wrap your arms around my head in a metal (or plastic) hug and pull my hair out of my eyes while indoors. Kudos to Paris for starting the trend.
5. Digital Cameras. Thank you for allowing me the chance to retake a picture 18 times until I get it just right or letting me capture the drunken excitement of a night at our local sleaze bar. You have allowed me to forever edit out imperfections, email blackmail pictures effortlessly and delete any accidental pictures of peoples shoes or crotches.
6. My Chevy Cobalt. The perfect little car to get me to and fro and to cart my sister's ass around until she gets another car. You smell like fermenting Power Aid and cigarettes but every time I put my key in the ignition (since they changed the faulty battery), you purr to life. Even though your oil change is 4000 miles overdue, you keep on trucking, my faithful, expensive little companion.
7. My Hairdresser, Danielle. Yes, you goddess of the the scissors, you perfect my highlights and sculpt my hair into fabulous styles. You never whine or complain at the way I don't keep my 6 week appointment and let me smoke out back while I look like someone out of a horror movie while my color is processing. Thank you for making me the fashionista that I am.
8. Dive Bars. The joys of watching dancing ladies that have squeezed into their high school mini skirts and men that haven't gotten laid since high school. The smoke is so thick that I don't bring my cigarettes but drafts are on special for $1.75 (if you can find the bar through the cloud). Country music blares from the juke box and ashtrays overflow into the discount hot wings. Ahhhh, the pleasures of home.
9. Direct Connect. Oh how I love hearing a voice blaring over my work phone while I'm walking through a quiet cafe. The perfect creation for a someone that wants to talk to me, here and now. No time for voicemail, this call is urgent! Thank you Nextel for letting the world know just how important I really am by letting them hear exactly what I am talking about.
10. Myspace. My biggest, guiltiest pleasure (next to beer). You allow me to re-connect with friends from my past and deny and block cyber-stalkers. You give me power, Myspace, over my social life and dating life. You let me blog my feelings and leave snarky comments about people that I don't like for all to behold. I can chat online or hide from everyone. The possibilities are endless.
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