Tuesday, August 24, 2010

College On the Horizon

I think it may actually happen, if I can figure out the enrollment process. But it looks like I'll be hitting the books next September. I've been looking into Harrisburg Area Community College, even though that's a bit of a hike for me, so I can attain a nursing degree (and then work insane hours and never get to see my family but make lots of money).

Yeah, nursing isn't my first choice. I'd much rather be a writer, but if I have a nurse's salary, I can probably afford to take creative writing classes in the future. God knows I like to hear myself talk (or should I say see myself type?) so that would be a dream job. And I have four novels started and this rambling excuse for a blog. Maybe then I could focus enough to finish one of the above. Nah, I'm an Aquarius.

Plus, I'm not too keen on the whole working around sick people aspect of nursing, being a slight germaphobe and all. And old people make me sad because I know that they're one station stop away from the end of the line. And sick kids are out because, well, they're kids...and they're sick. I hate needles so I probably shouldn't be giving shots or drawing blood (since blood makes me sick, too).

So let's see...that eliminates nursing homes, doctor's offices and hospitals. Wow, maybe I should rethink this nursing thing and do something a little more along the lines of my interests. I wonder where I could get a job as a wine quality control expert?

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