Friday, April 8, 2011

One Squeeky, Clean Spirit Coming Right Up!

I've always been a fan of strange things. As a child, I wanted to be a mortician (or a vampire, depending on the day). As a teenager, I dabbled in Wicca but didn't have the attention span to really follow through on all of the rituals that had to be performed. As an adult, I devoured astrology books and learned to produce people's charts. The metaphysical arts have always fascinated me (I'm an Aquarius, I should have expected it).

So today in my wall posts on Facebook, a local shop (Moonbeams Metaphysical) posted that they were having a woman come in to offer people private spiritual cleansing. It immediately caught my attention and I texted Big Daddy to see if he wanted to have his spirit cleansed with me. After some skeptical questions ("What do they used to cleanse us? And do you think $20 will cover the cost of all of the extra materials that they're going to need to fully cleanse the both of us?"), he agreed. 

I called to make the reservations and see what exactly a spiritual cleansing involved. The woman on the phone explained that nothing "weird" happens during the cleansing. For $20, we basically go into the back room with the healer (I had to resist the urge to ask if she was going to expect a $20 tip, too) for our private session. She then has you soak your hands in a bowl of herbs, oils and water and asks you to think about releasing all of your trauma and turmoil for a few minutes (and for an extra $10 she will even do your cuticles!). Finally, she recites a few chants, smudges you with a burning bundle of herbs that smells like pot and VIOLA! You are clean! Well, your spirit (and your aura and chakras) are anyway. She also told me that people with a lot of baggage and people that have suffered great emotional traumas may break down, as in cry like a baby. I haven't told Big Daddy exactly what goes on yet, but I can already imagine him raising his eyebrow and looking at me as if I'm trying to get him to believe that the moon is really made of cheese.

After I got off the phone, I immediately Googled the name of the woman that is doing the cleansing (Silver RavenWolf) to see what her deal really is. She seems like a very interesting person. She practices Braucherei (or PowWow), which is actually a Pennsylvania Dutch-German Magickal System based on a blend of High German Magick, Country Philosophy, Pre-Christian Pagan practices, Gypsy influence, a good dose of Biblical references, and Native American herbal cures for the ailments of human and beast, the seen and unseen, medicinal and otherwise. It is a unique system that relies on one's belief, intent and the manipulation of energy by means of what we now understand to be the quantum physics of the mind. (That is a direct quote from her website)

As I read further, it talked about hex signs that are commonly seen on barns in this area and it explained some of the PA Dutch folklore and the talismans and rituals that they created to ward against evil spirits. There's also a few projects that seemed worth looking into. One was a stuffed monster with a blessed note inside to protect the child own from evil and another was a sign that could be printed, colored and blessed and then hung in your home to protect it from evil. It was very intriguing and informative and I'm actually pretty excited about the cleansing. 

Plus, I think this will be a great chance for the both of us to "start fresh," in a way, before we get married. If this woman can manipulate our psyches enough to have us both drop all of the excess baggage that we're carrying, I am all for it. Maybe if I don't have to lug it all around anymore, my back would stop hurting as much as it has lately. All I know is that something has got to give and if this is what does the trick, then so be it.

So many people are skeptical when they hear of things like this but I believe that we have no idea what the human mind is completely capable of. I also believe that there is a higher power out there that watches over each of us. I don't know if it's God or what or if God takes different forms to aid people that are reaching out for help. I (thankfully) have never been dead to know. But I do know that I will at least go into this experience with a positive attitude. I think that sometimes just believing in mind over matter sometimes is enough to make things better.

If nothing else, I'll at least have REALLY soft hands on my wedding day.

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