Well, it's official. Big Daddy and I had our lawyer officially reply to BFBF's court challenge that claimed Tink should switch schools. We are countering her position and asking for primary custody.
I'm sure that we'll wind up with at least 50/50 physical custody, but I've been worried sick about how desperate Mommy Dearest is to keep Tink full time. I wonder about what she might be saying to her to manipulate her opinions of our house and our family. Big Daddy doesn't think she would do it, but I know women personally that have gotten desperate and I've heard the things that they've said to their kids about their father. It's disgusting and I no longer associate with those people. Tink is at the age where she wouldn't even know any better if her mom was saying things like that.
Like the time that she told us that Mommy told her that Mommy's house was her home and she just comes here to visit, but it's not really her home. What? According to the Snyder County Courts and the Selinsgrove School District, this is very much Tink's home. And hopefully after the court date, the will be her home at least half of the time. I guess desperate people do desperate things, no matter who they are hurting.
God, I wish the title of this blog rang true in BFBF's case but I think that's where a lot of this BS is coming from. The BFBF-er (Bigger Fatter Bitchier Face) that spawned the little one. I'm sure Mama is the one instructing her protege on how to be a jerk. And yeah, I know I'm being a hypocrite right now (by not saying anything nice. At least I'm not punching anyone), but all of this monkey business has crossed so many lines that it's beginning to look like some kind of warped game of tic-tac-toe.
But lately, Tink has been coming to our house on Wednesday evenings in a horrible mood and then she winds up falling asleep and we don't get to spend much time with her (well, other than the time that we're spending trying to figure out why she's crying). So I asked her about this and she told me that Tuesday night is game night at her mom's and BFBF lets her stay up late to finish the game that they are playing. I asked if she usually stays up late when she's there and she said no, just sometimes on game nights. And why would it matter how late she stays up? BFBF doesn't have to deal with any of it. Tink is going to Dad's so let's have fun before she leaves! Inconsiderate hag.
I just don't get why she hates Big Daddy so much that she would do things like this. She's the one that was "rumored" to have committed adultery. And yet she's the one that was such a "good wife" and "fought for her family" and Big Daddy was the one that "kicked her when she was down." Kinda hard for Big Daddy to do that while you're sleeping with the neighbor's brother and breaking up his marriage. And he also let her sit at home on her ever-expanding ass for 3 years to raise their daughter (and yes, I'm at home, but my ass has managed to stay roughly the same size). So was that what has so horrible? Or was is the fact that he made her get a job when he couldn't afford to pay to the massive amount of food she consumed in a day (he didn't say that, I did)?
This all came from an email that I received when I left her a note (with my phone number and email on it) asking if I could have copies of Tink's baby pictures so I could make Big Daddy a music video of Tink growing up for Father's Day. She told me it "wasn't her job to make him happy anymore." Yeah, obviously because it's now MY JOB. That's why I left the note in the first damned place...so I could make him a gift from the pictures that she told him that he would have to pay for if he ever wanted to see again.
And then she claims that she "forgot" Father's Day. Apparently, life sucking monsters do not have fathers because that would be the only acceptable excuse for her to not remember Father's Day. Apparently her dad isn't important enough to rate remembering a day that is dedicated to him. This after Tink said that they went to see Pappy for Father's Day. If Tink wasn't so beautiful, I guess BFBF forgetting that Tink has a father would confirm the fact that BFBF is in fact a cold-blooded reptile and may have spawned on her own. But Tink has her daddy's good looks. Guess that should signal to BFBF that there is a Daddy that helped in Tink's creation and should be remembered at least ONCE a year.
But the kicker from that email was that she said that he didn't want his family. For the entire time I have been with Big Daddy, he has always been upset about the shaft that he got when he went for joint physical and legal custody and he has ALWAYS talked about wanting more time with Tink. I don't buy this pathetic sob story for a GD second. Maybe it would be different if he didn't seem to care, but from everything that I've ever seen, he does and will always CARE ABOUT HIS DAUGHTER. And the fact that she is trying to keep them from forming a normal relationship is abhorant. I can say this because my son's father hasn't seen him since he was two. I know the difference between a dad that cares and a dad that doesn't. She can take her sob story and shove it.
And he wonders why I think she might say things to Tink that make her not want to be here?
So anyway, the gloves are off (God, I wish that wasn't just a metaphorical statement) and I know that she knows what is going on by now. I just wish I could have been a fly on the wall when she opened that letter.
And I absolutely love our lawyer. He's the meanest old buzzard that I've ever met. I feel confident that with him, we absolutely have a fighting chance at more time with Tink. I just worry that we're going to have to get into psychological profiles and all of that crap to do something that should have been done in the first place (50/50). And I don't know who would be responsible for paying if that happens. It doesn't really matter because we would be willing to drain our bank account to keep our time with Tink, but I feel that if the judge rules in our favor and BFBF disagrees, she should be responsible for paying for these psychological profiles (and the fee may be doubled for whatever Evel has lurking in his psyche).
Ah, frustration. But anyway, that is where we are at right now. I will keep everyone updated.
And I figured, for your reading pleasure, I would include the email response that I received from BFBF when I asked her for copies of Tink's pictures. Not only is she the most passive/aggressive woman that I've ever met, she's a horrible speller and doesn't use proper punctuation. Ick. So here it is (names in pink have been changed to protect the innoncent. And the guilty):
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