Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shhhh, This is PRIVATE!

I'm officially in hiding. The blogs are shut down or moved to private since, as most of you know, BFBF has started her nonsense again with trying to get Tink's school changed to the area where she moved. This after a judge told her HELL NO back in October. Well, he told her that she could go ahead and move, but Tink's address would remain with us and Tink would remain in her current school district. Now all of the sudden, Mommy Dearest sends us a letter saying that she believes that Tink should be attending the other school because that is where her primary residence is.

Come again? The county judge told you that is was fine for you to move, but Tink stays. So we're going to go back into his courtroom (watch for the follow up on that) and you're going to try to convince him that he was wrong the first time and that it's okay for Tink to be moved away from her friends? Have fun with that.

Plus, I'm sure if the fact Tink isn't living in this district 50/50 was an issue, the school would have told us to shove it when we approached them with the documentation (you know, the documentation that a JUDGE from a real COURT authorized and then YOU agreed to) to keep her here.  And according to the school (and the judge), her legal address is here. That holds more weight than anything BFBF may have.

And our lawyer believes that she was out "judge shopping" because the judge that signed the court papers this time is a different judge than the one that told her to take her move and shove it. But the lawyer said that if we go to court and it's not the old judge, we can request to have the case seen by him since he is already familiar with it. Our lawyer said that he sees people try to pull this all the time if they don't like the outcome of a decision. Sneaky, sneaky. Tisk, tisk, tisk...

So we are in talks with our lawyer on how to proceed. We're pretty sure that we know what we're going to do but I'm not going to get into that until the counter-suit paperwork is drawn up and in the mail. I know it's going to get ugly this time. Really freaking ugly.

All of this because we requested that BFBF just TALK to us about bringing Tink here in the morning and letting her come here after school because it would get rid of the daycare expense that both parties are unnecessesarily paying for. Plus, that would give her more time to spend with Nutt. We also wanted to hash out the holiday/summer vacation schedule so she can't continue screwing us. For all of this, we asked her for a reply to our question before April 1.

And this is what we got. No kind of civil response. And God forbid Tink form any kind of meaningful relationships with this side of her family! The last straw has been drawn and we are ready to do whatever is in our power (and our pocketbooks) to make sure that these relationships are formed. And the lack of response from her shows that she is unwilling to communicate on any issues involving Tink. As Mark Twain once said, "The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself." Your children shouldn't be used to make up for what you are lacking in self-esteem.

I think she knows that she shot herself in the foot (bang) by moving to a different school district and leaving Tink here, which blows opens a can of whoop ass for us to be able to go for 50/50 physical custody. Plus, we are getting married (stability) and Tink has a little brother here that she needs to spend time with. It's common sense to me (but maybe I'm a LITTLE bit biased) and I hope that the judge sees it the same way.

I guess we'll find out in mid-April. Until then, please keep our family in your prayers. This is gonna get ugly.

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