Day 01 - A recent photo of you and 15 facts about yourself. |
1. I'm a Southpaw.
2. My favorite show is Modern Family
3. My favorite movie is Interview With the Vampire
2. My favorite show is Modern Family
3. My favorite movie is Interview With the Vampire
4. Big Daddy says I'm a great cook.
5. I won't wear shoes without a heel, even though I'm 5'8"
6. If I didn't write to express my thoughts and feelings, I would go insane.
7. My dream growing up was to become a mortician.
8. My favorite food is Gorgonzola Ravioli from the restaurant formerly known as Micheal's Cafe.
9. I hate feet so much that I even dread cutting my own toenails.
10. If I clean my ears with Q-Tips, I gag horribly.
11. I have better coordination after I've had a few beers than I do when I'm stone sober.
12. The chore that I dread most is dusting. It RARELY gets done in my house.
13. My paternal great-nana is younger than my maternal nana.
14. I have a 3" scar on my left hand that I got from a cat scratch when I was 11 (so now any of you are able to properly ID my dead body).
15. Lilacs are my favorite flower because they remind me of my long, lost youth.
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Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest. |
Me and my Hydia. Her dad and my Pappy were BFF's so it's only natural that we continued the trend. I love you bi-otch!
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Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends. |
Tosh, me and Pete on the MIB ride at Universal Studios, FL during our senior class trip. Yeah, we look hardcore. (Pay no attention the the Asian people or the scared black man in the back. They were totally NOT with us and they are obviously ruining our street cred!)
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Day 04 - A habit you wish you didn't have. |
Okay, I can be a bit of a lush at times. But is it really a habit that I wish I didn't have when I have no intention of not doing it when the opportunity arises?
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Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you've been. |
NOLA baby! It's the only place that I've visited that I've seriously considered staying. I loved everything about it (including the copious amounts of alcohol that I consumed on Bourbon Street). As soon as these children are on their own, I will be packing my things (Big Daddy included) and heading back for good.
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Day 06 - A picture that shows your true self. |
Me being a goof with my feet off the ground and my head in the clouds, as usual. The technicolor playground backdrop only accentuates the truth in the matter.
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Day 07 - A picture of someone who has made a big impact on your life. |
Nana S (rawkin the JoePa glasses back in the 80's). If you never know her, I feel sorry that you missed out.
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Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh. |
Satan and I stopped in at a bar for a beer and some dinner on our way home from trying to hock a violin and we were greeted by THIS. Turns out it was Elvis' birthday so this stud figured it would be a great idea to squeeze himself into a white jumpsuit and walk around this bar singing "Burnin' Love" while gyrating his pelvis and hitting on my sister. He was totally right. I thought he was the guy that Satan would spend the rest of her life with...
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Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through a lot in life. |
I went with Poppi on this one. What a stud!
(And what in the hell is up with my freakish pinky? It looks like it sprouted out of the side of my hand or my parents had a sixth finger removed from between my pinky and ring fingers. Creepy.)
(And what in the hell is up with my freakish pinky? It looks like it sprouted out of the side of my hand or my parents had a sixth finger removed from between my pinky and ring fingers. Creepy.)
Day 10 - A picture of someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future. |
That stud would be Big Daddy. As you can see from the picture, we are madly in love (haha. This picture also makes me look skinny and it makes him look quite a few inches taller than me). Yeah, he's stuck with me.
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Day 11 - Your celebrity crush |
Ian Somerhalder. He was hot as Boone and now he's almost unbearably sexy as Damon Salvatore (except when he does that weird eyebrow thing when he talks sometimes). He can bite me anytime!
Day 12 - A picture of something you love |
Penn State football baby! Big Daddy and I were lucky enough to be given tickets to see Joe Paterno win his 400th game as head coach. I cried like I did when my children were born.
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Day 13 - A picture of something you hate. |
House centipedes. I didn't even want to look at the picture long enough to draw the horns and tail on that thing and I'm trying to type as fast as I can so I can tab down the page and get rid of the picture now. These little demons have left me standing on the toilet screaming for Big Daddy to rescue me at 3 AM more than once. The are the foulest creatures that I have ever seen but I've been told if you have a dirt floor basement, you're pretty much stuck with them. FML.
Day 14 - A picture of something you could never imagine your life without. |
Tink, Evel and Nutt. I never wanted kids but now I wouldn't trade them for all the rice in China (probably because I don't really like rice. If we start talking money or gold, I may be interested...)
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Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die |
I'm not a fan of leaving the good ol' US of A, but I would really love to see the Italian Catacombs. I think it has something to do with my morbid fascination with death and that's about as close as I can get without going over. Plus I hear Italy has great food and even better wine. Count me in!
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Day 16 - Someone you would like to switch lives w/ for one day and why. |
Bo, the First Dog. I would love to hear what REALLY goes on in the Oval Office...
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Day 17 - Your favorite song |
I love a lot of songs but this is my favorite song (You're So Last Summer) by my favorite band (Taking Back Sunday) so I guess it makes it my "favorite."
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Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity |
Since I'm not going to post a picture of my ass for all of the Internet to behold, we'll go with this one. I'm am insecure in my ability to succeed in the things that I do. Thankfully, I'm also stubborn enough to keep trying until I achieve success.
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Day 19 - A picture of someone you miss |
I miss a lot of people, but I miss this guy the most. Every minute of every day. Rest in peace El Kapp-itan.
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Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel |
Disney World. I've been there twice and I'd love to share it with my kids before Evel is too old to enjoy it.
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy |
Devil turkeys! JK. I love cooking. I could spend all day making dinner if time permitted. That's why Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays!
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Day 22 - A picture of something that confuses you |
These D-bags (also referred to as Hipsters). You know who you are and you have to know that one day you are going to look back at these pictures and realize what the rest of us already know...YOU ARE A TOOL! (and PBR was originally a beer for poor people, but since you dicks have started making it trendy, even though you are anti-trendy, the price has gone up. Thanks a lot for making me switch to Natty so I can afford my habit that's not really a habit)
Day 23 - A picture of something you crave |
Gorgonzola Ravioli (or just about anything from Micheal's Cafe). This is my cheap knockoff version since the best restaurant in the world is now closed.
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Day 25 - A picture of yourself and a family member |
I'll do you four better and give you a picture of myself and five generations. Nutt, me, Poppi, Nana C and the Neffster.
Day 25 - A photo of yourself right this minute |
I guess I should have read through and planned on making myself look a little bit presentable on Day 25...
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Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you |
That little half smile means the world to me!
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Day 27 - A picture of something you're afraid of |
Getting Alzheimer's. I am terrified to not remember the people that I love or remember different version of them. That is why I write everything down. Alzheimer's is my nightmare.
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Day 28 - A picture of you last year at this time and how have you changed? |
I'll let you all figure out the obvious...
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Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile |
Satan, DV and me doing the "Thriller" pose. I'm LOL-ing right now as a matter of fact.
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Day 30 - Who are you? |
I can only explain myself about as well as Alice could. And besides, I thought the whole friggin point of this 30 day thing was to show you a little bit about myself?? You figure it out.
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