It's Christmastime. Usually I just kind of muddle through the season with only enough spirit to make sure my kids have a good time. But a funny thing happened this year. I finished Christmas shopping and wrapping...EARLY. I am sitting here on my couch and writing this blog because I have absolutely NOTHING that I need to do. Big Daddy and I's presents are purchased, wrapped, sorted and ready to freaking go! This has never happened before.
Usually I am the mom that swears I am going to finish shopping a few weeks before Christmas and wrap everything as I buy it. Slowly, as the presents start to trickle in from Amazon and the few physical shopping Walmart trips that I braved, they pile up like skeletons in our closet. Every time I open the door, I see them looming in the darkness like little miniature Bogie Men, just waiting for the right time to steal my Christmas cheer. They suck up my time and energy to the point where I feel like a holiday zombie. So I muster all of my enthusiasm, close the door and completely ignore them until I have to deal with them.
This usually ends with Big Daddy and I wrapping presents, half loaded, on Christmas Eve while our giddy little children scamper about upstairs until one of them decides it is better to get yelled at than to not know if Santa had arrived yet. I don't think he got here until around 3 AM last year.
This year I was determined to get everything done before the last minute. And somehow I freaking did. I'm pretty sure that fact that my Nana died kind of pushed me along since I would rather be wrapping presents than sitting around thinking about not getting to spend Christmas with her. It also forced me to think long and hard about everything that I am thankful for this holiday season. I have my beautiful family, my health and I also have the remembrance of how much Nana loved Christmas. Maybe I absorbed her holiday spirit or something, but after she died, I became more determined to enjoy Christmas this year. And I have been.
I've baked cookies, decorated the house with more than just a Christmas tree, mailed Christmas cards, sacrificed a few of Big Daddy's hard earned dollar bills to those deserving Salvation Army buckets and I wrapped those evil, little ghosts that usually haunt our closet. All of their ill-will has been neutralized with a few pieces of tape and some big, shiny bows. They cannot hurt me this year. I now have time to sit, relax and enjoy the Spirit of Christmas with my family and friends without stressing about all of the things that I have to do.
After all, Christmas isn't about presents. It's totally about having off work!
(JK, I love you Baby Jesus)
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