Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Commercials That Make Me LOL

I really have nothing to blog about today since I am trapped in the house due to "the big one" that has hit the East Coast. Typical for the week of my birthday. So if you're stuck in the house, here are my personal Top 10 Favorite TV Commercials That Make Me LOL (plus a few extras cuz I'm bored):

This is the best commercial that has EVER been made! I should have saved it for last but I couldn't wait. Animals dressed as serial killers get me every time. There is also a variation on this commercial where the woman's leg was cut off but it was removed from TV for being to violent. Personally, I think it was more entertaining.
A pothole with a Southern accent? Love it!
The Orbitz gum Clean Mouth Test 37. I can quote it verbatum. "Who are you calling a Cootie Queen, you Lint Licker?"
People falling on treadmills always make me laugh. Bonus points for nut shots. I don't even know what this commercial was for. I think a credit card or something.
I think this one is so funny because the guy on the right reminds me of my Uncle Jase. I always find myself trying to rap this for the rest of the day and more often than not, I also find myself at a McDonald's drive-thru.
"BOO creepy foot doctor! HOORAY beer!" I love the Red Stripe Beer commercials!
Another one that makes me crack up every time. This would be something that my sister would do. And not care. 
Another one that I have remembered for years and years and I still have no idea what company it is for. I used to want to be a cat wrangler when I grew up. Instead I'm wrangling kids. 
I'm not usually a fan of talking babies, but I love the "shocked face" at the end of this one. Whoa!
This one doesn't make me's actually kind of disturbing. But I guess if singing, harmonica playing road kill helps you sell tires, more power to you.
I just like the ending where Chris Kattan is leaving the dry cleaners. I think the Cat Wrangler Cowboys make a special guest appearance in this one.
Hehe. Mr. Silent Killer Gas Passer. 
And my personal favorite Bud Light commercial - Fire Breathing no longer available

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