Wednesday, January 4, 2012

We Do Things A Little Differently In PECO

So the Clouse family funerals will be held on Tuesday in Elliotsburg, Perry County, Pennsylvania. For those of you that missed it, this is the family that lost 7 of their 8 children to a house fire last week. Devastating.

The grief this family must be feeling is unimaginable. And to make it worse, the Westboro Baptist Church is now planning to picket the funeral. Absolutely flipping disgusting.

When I heard this, I was outraged. I cannot believe that these people exist in this world. They basically exploit their "Christian" faith to gain media attention and financial security in the forms of lawsuits. The carry around signs (usually at military funerals) that read "God Hates Fags" and "Thank God For IEDs" and spew their venomous blasphemy to get someone to react. When they are assaulted, they sue...anyone and everyone. This time they've threatened to picket the funeral of seven children siting that God killed these children as punishment to the state of Pennsylvania because the church was sued (successfully) by a York man whose son's funeral the church picketed.

A word to WBC, this funeral is in Perry County. Obviously, you've never been to good ol' PeCo if you are planning on coming here and expecting to walk around with your signs held high. I would advise you to go elsewhere. The people that live in this great county (the county where I was born and raised) have a reputation. And they like it that way.

So here are a few things that you should know about Peco before you march in here to disrupt this funeral:

1. The good people of Perry County have been labeled rednecks, hicks, hillbillies, white trash and many other things. Please know that they have earned this and they wear this label like a badge of honor. They will fight you to defend it.

2. The good people of Perry County take their faith seriously. They go to church on Sundays and they are not offended by the words "One nation, under God." They do not use their faith for shock value or financial gain. They use it as a way to get into it should be. Anyone that undermines this faith will no doubt face the equivalent to the wrath of God.

3. The good people of Perry County also take their second amendment rights seriously. Most homes have more shotguns than they do hound dogs and they will not hesitate to use them, especially when it comes to taking care of a neighbor or friend that they feel needs protected. Do yourselves a favor and do not give them a reason to use you as target practice for next years buck season.

4. Most of the good people of Perry County have a neighbor or cousin or some other kin in jail. I believe that they have no fear of going there for a reunion after they beat you into unrecognizable unconsciousness. You have never had a beating until you've had a Perry County beating.

5. Finally, the good people of Perry County stick together. Many of them have multiple acres of wooded land and everyone has shovels. It would take a group of neighbors about an hour to cover up any evidence of you and your hatred ever setting foot in their county.

So please, WBC, read this and take it to heart. You don't know what kind of hornet's nest you will be kicking if you disturb a funeral (especially one as devastating as this) in the County. I would advise you to take your hateful message elsewhere and leave the good people of Perry County to themselves to lay these babies to rest.

Prayers to the Clouse family. May this give you some form of closure.

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