Today is three long years.
Three years of caring and tears and support.
Three years of arguments, apologies and promises.
Three years of kids and road trips and family portraits.
Three years of me leaving my stuff all over the house and you hoarding your coffee cans.
Three years of feeling your warmth next to me while I sleep and breathing in the scent of your soap.
Three years of washing your work clothes and packing your lunches.
Three years of car trouble, funerals and diaper changes (okay, only a year and a half of diaper changes).
Three years of surviving floods and rebuilding our home and hearts.
Three years of holding a hand that works hard to support our family.
Three years of being the hottest and best dad to our children.
Three years of trust, respect and love.
It has been less than one year of marriage but from this day in 2009, we have grown and loved and changed into the people that we are today. Thank you for being persistent enough to convince me that you were worth my time. Thank you for being strong enough to help me up when I fall and gentle enough to hold me together when all I wanted to do was fall apart. Thank you for being stubborn enough to love someone as stubborn as me. You've made me a better person.
I love you babe. Happy three years.
The first photo of "us." Circa February 2009. |
And now, the history of us (in no particular order)...
Superbowl 2009. First time I met Hobutt. |
Spring 2009. First time he met Bill and Min. |
It's not "us" but you know that someone loves you when they wade through floodwater to save one of your houseplants. |
Fourth of July, 2009 - First time he met the Knuth side of my family (and he still loves me!) |
Summer 2010. He's too tasty to resist. |
First time I met his family in May 2009. I was wearing platforms and had to scrunch down for the picture so he didn't feel too intimidated that I was taller than him. |
Knoebels, August 2010. I was very hot and very pregnant, hence the barely there smile. |
Win 400 for JoePa. |
Christmas card pics 2010. That's his sexy face. How can I resist? |
Punkin' Pickin' Day 2010. |
New Orleans Honeymoon 2011 - We got to sit in a carriage for about 20 minutes until the guy told us to get out and come back later. |
A lovely picture in a cemetery on our honeymoon. |
The groom and his blushing bride at our reception. May 14, 2011. |
He finally talked me into walking the plank. May 13, 2011. |
A little nibble (June 2009) |
I must taste good, too (August 2011) |
He likes to get me drunk because I become a camera whore and he can take stupid pictures of me. (August 2011) |
One of my favorites (Autumn 2009) |
I love you (June 2009) |
Our first vacation. (Ocean City, June 2009) |
Getting ready to welcome the Nutt (August 2010) |
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