This is a repost from February 8, 2008. You'll understand why I wrote it when you read it. AT&T sucks.
So I dropped my phone in the toilet. I need a new one because my last piece of crap phone (before toilet phone) that we were forced into upgrading to no longer works. Every time I close it, it shuts off. Not very effective in the art of communication if you ask me. So being customers for 8 FREAKING YEARS, Poppi and I mozied on down to our friendly neighborhood AT&T store (24 miles away) to see what options we have for upgrading since none of us has gotten a new phone from them in 2 1/2 years. (A little side note here, the original AT&T would allow you and upgrade with FREE phone every 18 months if you renewed your contract).
So we get to the store and are greeted by an older gentleman. We tell him our dilemma and that we don't have much money to spend so he proceeds to take us to the Blackberry Pearls. After I stop myself from laughing in his face, I explain that I was looking for something a little less than $200 (something a little closer to free). Poppi says he wants to switch to push to talk and the look of a first grader asked to solve a calculus equation crosses the salesman's face. So as he's looking on his magic computer for which phones have that function, my dad and I find the gigantic display with the push to talk phones on it. The cheapest is $80 (after a $30 upgrade on our account, my $50 upgrade credit and a $50 mail in rebate). So nix that idea. As he wanders back over to explain the phones, Poppi tells him that we can't do that right now. So at this point, I'm annoyed and ask him to please show me the cheapest phone in the store. He takes us over to the crap ass little phone (I'm not picky but this phone was pathetic) that would have cost $40 after all the the rebates. Can't do it.
So after explaining this to him, he asked if I tried to dry out the other phone. I proceed to pull my Razor (in the little bag of rice that was supposed to be absorbing the water out of the phone) out of my purse. He laughs at me. D-bag point number one. He asks if I've tried it. I say yes but I think the battery may be dead. He offers to plug it in and try it for me. I give it to him and he asks for my SIM card. My youngest little sister (out of the kindness of her heart) let me use her Go Phone so I hand that to him. He opens it up, takes the SIM card out and puts it in my phone UPSIDE DOWN. And you work at a cell phone store? I would think that was something they would go over in training class. Anyway, he fixes it and then tries to put the battery in. It didn't fit. Why? It was a SAMSUNG batter from Trid's Go Phone that he was trying to cram into a MOTOROLA RAZOR!! What is wrong with this picture? D-bag points number two and three. So finally he gets the right battery in the right phone and plugs it in. It flashes but won't stay on so he suggested I keep it in the rice for a bit longer and lay it on or in the general vicinity of a heater vent. Fine. So he goes to switch the phones back and when he puts the SIM in the Go Phone, guess what? UPSIDE DOWN AGAIN. D-bag point number four.
All the while as Opie is trying to work the phones, he's talking to me. He hit on me not once, but twice. He complimented me on my ring then asked if I was married. I laughed at him and said no. Then he asked if I had a boyfriend. I don't care if I was a lesbian, I would have said yes. D-bag point number five. Then he made a comment about the rice. In my state of panic, apparently I used brown rice to absorb the water. He said it was better for me than white and I looked like a girl that took care of herself. Was I? Not really, I replied, I hate rice. D-bag point number six. Six D-bag Points in a 20 minute conversation. Impressive.
Way to waste an hour of my life (if you count the half hour it took my dad and I to drive there). So the moral of this story, kiddies - switch to Nextel. Or Verizon. Or T-Mobile. AT&T sucks.
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